What the Hell is Svbtle?

Blogging is a pain. And blogging platforms don’t help. If the mainstream of the internet had its way, everyone would be using Wordpress. I flirted with that before, maybe 3 years back, to no avail. I was caught up in the modern complications with ferocious blogging. Wordpress and all the rest (Blogger, Tumblr, SquareSpace, etc.) inject a level of complexity that makes international trade look simple, and I’m computer savvy! At least somewhat so.

But as someone who dares enter the very lofty field of economic academia at the professional level, yet who lives in a digital age (a real paradox, actually), writing is essentially required. I had to choose. Svbtle became the go-to. It’s free. It’s clean. It’s intuitive. It’s navigable. And it’s totally devoid of the cramped, unnecessary complexity of other blogs. Here, the writing matters.

These pages, posts, spaces – whatever you want to call them – will be filled with the thoughts of a very amateur economist from the outlandish, unappreciated, and rouge perspective of thought know as the Austrian School. The prose will, or at least had better be, loose, readable, engaging, and, well, hot. That’s what I would want to read, so why take up doing anything else myself?

A goodly portion of the tone will be criticism: of current events, politics and politicians, alleged economics and economists, and those straying concepts that still happen to mean something for liberty and human freedom. I hope these topics, and my thoughts on them interest and entertain you; life’s too short to waste your time otherwise.

Blogging isn’t actually a pain. I suppose that’s just the agony of putting your ideas out there.



Now read this

The Health Econ Con

This post is especially relevant to college students enrolled in economics courses in which participation–either digitally or in person–constitutes a portion of the course grade. I’m taking my final undergraduate course Health Economics... Continue →